High School Apprenticeship

High School Apprenticeship Program (hsap.ca)

Students can start an apprenticeship program while in high school. It links high school instruction with paid, on-the-job apprenticeship training. Students need a qualified employer who will hire them and train them as an apprentice. Apprentices will earn one credit for every 110 hours of training, to a maximum of eight. On-the-job hours can be flexible to work around school schedules. Training time can include evenings, weekends, and school breaks. The High School Apprenticeship Program is an excellent way for students to increase their employability skills and trade knowledge.

For more information, talk to your school guidance counsellor or contact the High School Apprenticeship Instructors. Contact Reg Toews at 204-304-0985 – [email protected]  or Andy Reimer at 204-319-0711 – [email protected].

 Highlights of the High School Apprenticeship Program for students:

· Earn up to eight grade 12 credits for graduation.

· Be paid at least 10% more than minimum wage.

· Some Post-secondary apprenticeship training fees may be waived.

· On-the-job hours will be applied to Level 1 apprenticeship training after graduation.


For a complete listing of eligible Manitoba Trades go to https://www.gov.mb.ca/aesi/apprenticeship/discover/mbtrades/index.html

For more information from Manitoba Education and Childhood Learning go to https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/teched/sy_app_option.html

For more specific information about getting started in your area go to hsap.ca

Border Land School Division

Border Land School Division acknowledges that the communities and schools located within Border Land School Division sit on Treaty 1 and Treaty 3 land, the original lands of the Anishinaabe peoples and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Border Land School Division respects the treaties that were made on these treaty areas and we dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with our Indigenous communities in a spirit of truth, reconciliation and collaboration.